Potters Tour of Indiana County
October 18 & 19
10am -5pm
As you drive the scenic back roads in western PA, you will encounter a growing community of potters. These potters share and promote their love of clay and its creative properties.
In the fall, these potters coordinate a tour. They clean up their studios, wash the clay off their hands, proudly put their work on display, and warmly invite the public to visit their workplace and to learn about the life of a potter and what inspires their work.
Host studios have invited guest potters to display their work. You can see and purchase the work of over 21 different potters in ten locations. Note: Since some potters share a studio, and others are guests for the tour, you may find more than one potter's work at a single location.
The tour is self-guided. Using the map and information on this web site you can define your own trip and set your own pace. The studios are no more than 15 to 20 minutes apart. Feel free to call any of the phone numbers listed for more information or if you wish to visit other than the tour times.
The tour is held the third weekend in October ever year. This time of year is often peak for the fall colors making the drive in the country a photographic trip.
Some of the studios will be demonstrating various activities of making pots.